Enhancing the Integration of Sustainable Plant Products in Aquafeeds: A Comprehensive Review

Pavan Kumar P1 , Amogha K.R1 , Shivani D. Gowda1 , Sanjay Hazarika2

1Department of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries, Mangalore, Karnataka Veterinary Animal and Fisheries Science University, Bidar, India.

2Department of Entomology, Assam Agricultural University Jorhat, Assam-785013, India.

Corresponding Author Email: sanjaayhazarika00@gmail.com

DOI : https://doi.org/10.51470/JPB.2022.1.1.17


The integration of sustainable plant products into aquafeeds has emerged as a crucial strategy for addressing the environmental and economic challenges facing the aquaculture industry. This comprehensive review examines the opportunities and challenges associated with incorporating plant-based ingredients in aquafeed formulations. We discuss the advantages of plant-based ingredients, key considerations in feed formulation, innovations in plant-based aquafeeds, and the importance of meeting nutritional requirements and optimizing feed performance. By exploring the latest advancements and future directions in sustainable aquafeed development, this review highlights the potential of plant-based ingredients to enhance feed sustainability, improve fish health and performance, and promote responsible aquaculture practices on a global scale.


aquaculture, aquafeed, plant products

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Aquaculture has emerged as a vital sector in meeting the global demand for seafood, providing an essential source of protein for millions of people worldwide. With the increasing pressure on wild fish stocks and concerns about the environmental impact of traditional aquafeed ingredients like fishmeal and fish oil, there has been a growing interest in developing sustainable alternatives. Integrating plant-based ingredients into aquafeeds presents a promising solution to address these challenges [1]. In this comprehensive review, we explore the strategies and advancements in enhancing the integration of sustainable plant products in aquafeeds [3]. Aquaculture plays a critical role in meeting the escalating demand for seafood globally, providing a vital source of protein for millions worldwide. However, the sustainability and environmental impact of traditional aquafeed ingredients, notably fishmeal and fish oil, have raised significant concerns. In response, there is a growing interest in integrating sustainable plant products into aquafeeds as a viable alternative [3]. This introduction sets the stage for understanding the challenges of traditional aquafeed formulations, the advantages of plant-based ingredients, and the need for comprehensive reviews to explore strategies for enhancing their integration into aquafeeds. As such, this article delves into the complexities and advancements in incorporating sustainable plant products into aquafeeds to address environmental, economic, and nutritional considerations in the aquaculture industry [4].

Challenges in Aquafeed Formulation

Traditionally, aquafeeds have relied heavily on fishmeal and fish oil sourced from wild-caught fish, leading to concerns about overfishing, ecosystem disruption, and price volatility. Additionally, the reliance on marine ingredients contributes to the depletion of marine resources and undermines the sustainability of aquaculture practices. As a result, there is a pressing need to identify alternative protein and lipid sources that are environmentally friendly, economically viable, and nutritionally adequate for aquafeeds [5]. Plant-based ingredients offer several advantages for aquafeed formulation. They are abundant, renewable, and generally more cost-effective compared to marine-derived ingredients. Furthermore, plant proteins and lipids can be tailored to meet the specific nutritional requirements of different aquaculture species [6]. By reducing reliance on fishmeal and fish oil, the aquaculture industry can mitigate environmental impact, enhance feed sustainability, and contribute to the conservation of marine ecosystems.

Traditionally, aquafeeds have relied heavily on fishmeal and fish oil sourced from wild-caught fish, particularly small pelagic species like anchovies, sardines, and mackerel. While these ingredients have been instrumental in meeting the nutritional requirements of farmed fish, their overexploitation has led to concerns about the sustainability of aquaculture practices [7].

1. Overfishing and Environmental Impact: The extraction of fishmeal and fish oil from wild-caught fish contributes to overfishing and ecosystem disruption in marine environments. This overreliance on marine resources has led to declines in wild fish populations, threatening marine biodiversity and disrupting food chains [8].

2. Price Volatility and Supply Chain Risks: The global fishmeal and fish oil markets are subject to price volatility and supply chain risks, driven by fluctuations in fish stocks, weather conditions, and geopolitical factors. These uncertainties can pose challenges for aquafeed manufacturers, farmers, and consumers, affecting production costs and market stability [9].

3. Dependency on Marine Resources: The aquaculture industry’s heavy reliance on marine-derived ingredients undermines the sector’s long-term sustainability and resilience. As wild fish stocks decline, there is an urgent need to identify alternative protein and lipid sources that are environmentally friendly, economically viable, and nutritionally adequate for aquafeeds [10].

4. Environmental Footprint: The production of fishmeal and fish oil requires significant energy, water, and land resources, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and habitat degradation. The environmental footprint associated with marine ingredient production underscores the importance of transitioning to more sustainable feed ingredients [11].

5. Feed Conversion Efficiency: While fishmeal and fish oil are highly digestible and nutritionally dense, plant-based ingredients often have lower digestibility and amino acid profiles, affecting feed conversion efficiency and fish growth performance. Achieving nutritional balance and optimal feed utilization with plant-based aquafeeds requires careful formulation and ingredient selection [12]. Addressing these challenges requires a paradigm shift in aquafeed formulation towards more sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives. Integrating plant-based ingredients offers a promising solution to reduce the industry’s reliance on marine resources, mitigate environmental impact, and promote the long-term viability of aquaculture operations. However, the successful integration of sustainable plant products into aquafeeds requires innovative approaches, technological advancements, and collaborative efforts across the aquaculture value chain [13].

Key Considerations in Formulating Plant-Based Aquafeeds

Despite the potential benefits, integrating plant-based ingredients into aquafeeds poses certain challenges related to palatability, digestibility, nutrient composition, and anti-nutritional factors. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully select and process plant materials to optimize their nutritional value and minimize negative effects on fish health and performance. Various processing techniques such as extrusion, enzymatic treatment, and fermentation can improve the digestibility and bioavailability of nutrients in plant-based ingredients, enhancing their suitability for aquafeed formulation [14].

1. Nutritional Profile: Plant-based ingredients vary widely in their nutritional composition, including protein content, amino acid profile, lipid content, and essential nutrients. Formulators must carefully evaluate the nutritional adequacy of plant ingredients to meet the specific dietary requirements of target aquaculture species. Understanding the digestibility and bioavailability of nutrients in plant-based feeds is crucial for optimizing growth performance, feed efficiency, and overall fish health [15].

2. Palatability and Acceptance: Fish species exhibit varying palatability preferences and feeding behaviors, which can influence their acceptance of plant-based diets. Formulators should select ingredients that are palatable and appealing to the target species, considering factors such as taste, texture, scent, and appearance. Incorporating attractants and flavor enhancers can help improve feed acceptance and consumption, encouraging consistent nutrient intake and growth rates [16].

3. Anti-Nutritional Factors: Many plant-based ingredients contain anti-nutritional factors (ANFs) that can interfere with nutrient absorption, digestive processes, and overall feed utilization in fish. Examples of ANFs include phytic acid, lectins, protease inhibitors, and glucosinolates, which may impair protein digestibility, enzyme activity, and gut health. Processing techniques such as heat treatment, fermentation, and enzyme supplementation can help mitigate the effects of ANFs and enhance the nutritional value of plant-based feeds [17].

4. Digestibility and Gut Health: The digestibility of plant-based ingredients can vary depending on factors such as ingredient source, processing method, and inclusion level in the diet. Improving the digestibility and nutrient utilization of plant-based feeds is essential for minimizing nutrient wastage, reducing feed conversion ratios, and promoting gut health in farmed fish. Formulators should consider factors such as particle size, extrusion conditions, and enzyme supplementation to optimize nutrient absorption and digestive efficiency in aquaculture species [18].

5. Nutrient Balance and Formulation: Achieving nutritional balance in plant-based aquafeeds requires careful formulation and consideration of protein-to-energy ratios, essential amino acid profiles, fatty acid composition, vitamins, and minerals. Balancing macronutrient and micronutrient levels in aquafeed formulations is essential for supporting growth, development, immune function, and reproductive performance in farmed fish. Formulators may use mathematical modeling, nutrient requirements tables, and feed formulation software to optimize feed formulations and ensure nutritional adequacy across different life stages and production systems [19].

6. Sustainability and Environmental Impact: The sourcing, production, and utilization of plant-based ingredients should align with principles of sustainability, environmental stewardship, and resource efficiency. Selecting locally sourced, non-GMO, and responsibly sourced plant materials can help reduce the carbon footprint, minimize resource depletion, and support biodiversity conservation efforts. Additionally, utilizing co-products and by-products from food and agriculture industries can enhance the sustainability and circularity of aquafeed production systems, reducing waste and promoting resource efficiency, formulating plant-based aquafeeds requires a holistic approach that considers nutritional requirements, palatability, digestibility, anti-nutritional factors, gut health, sustainability, and environmental impact [20]. By addressing these key considerations, aquafeed manufacturers can develop high-quality, sustainable feed formulations that optimize fish health, performance, and productivity in aquaculture systems. Continued research, innovation, and collaboration across the aquaculture value chain are essential for advancing the development and adoption of plant-based aquafeeds as a viable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional feed ingredients.

Innovations in Plant-Based Aquafeeds

In recent years, significant progress has been made in developing innovative plant-based aquafeeds. Researchers have explored a wide range of plant protein sources, including soybean meal, pea protein concentrate, canola meal, and corn gluten meal, as potential substitutes for fishmeal. Similarly, alternative lipid sources such as algae oil, linseed oil, and palm oil have been investigated to replace fish oil in aquafeeds. By combining different plant ingredients and optimizing feed formulations, it is possible to achieve nutritional balance and improve feed efficiency without compromising fish health and product quality. Innovations in Plant-Based Aquafeeds:

1. Ingredient Diversification: Researchers and aquafeed manufacturers are exploring a wide range of plant-based ingredients as substitutes for fishmeal and fish oil in aquafeeds. These include soybean meal, pea protein concentrate, canola meal, corn gluten meal, rice bran, wheat gluten, and microbial-derived proteins. By diversifying ingredient sources, formulators can optimize nutrient profiles, enhance feed sustainability, and reduce dependency on marine resources.

2. Alternative Protein Sources: In addition to traditional plant protein sources, novel protein sources such as insect meal, single-cell proteins, and microalgae are being investigated as potential alternatives in aquafeed formulations. Insect meal, derived from insects such as black soldier fly larvae and mealworms, offers high protein content, amino acid profiles, and digestibility, making it a promising ingredient for fish diets. Single-cell proteins and microalgae provide rich sources of essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, contributing to improved feed efficiency and fish growth performance.

3. Extrusion Technology: Extrusion processing technology plays a crucial role in enhancing the digestibility, palatability, and nutritional quality of plant-based aquafeeds. Through controlled heat, pressure, and shear forces, extrusion can effectively gelatinize starches, denature proteins, and deactivate anti-nutritional factors in plant ingredients, improving their digestibility and nutrient bioavailability for fish. Extrusion also facilitates the formation of desirable feed pellets with uniform size, shape, and texture, enhancing feed handling, storage, and consumption in aquaculture systems.

4. Enzyme Supplementation: Enzyme supplementation is increasingly being used to improve the digestibility and utilization of plant-based ingredients in aquafeeds. Enzymes such as phytases, proteases, carbohydrases, and lipases can break down complex carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids into smaller, more readily absorbable forms, enhancing nutrient release and absorption in the digestive tract of fish. By supplementing feed with specific enzymes, formulators can optimize feed efficiency, reduce feed costs, and minimize nutrient wastage in aquaculture production.

5. Fermentation Processes: Fermentation processes offer potential benefits for enhancing the nutritional quality and functional properties of plant-based aquafeeds. Fermentation can improve the amino acid profile, protein digestibility, and gut health-promoting properties of plant ingredients by promoting the growth of beneficial microorganisms and reducing anti-nutritional factors. Fermented plant-based feeds have been shown to enhance feed intake, growth performance, and disease resistance in farmed fish, demonstrating their potential as sustainable alternatives to conventional feed ingredients.

6. Genetic Modification and Biotechnology: Advances in genetic modification and biotechnology hold promise for developing novel plant varieties with improved nutritional profiles, reduced anti-nutritional factors, and enhanced agronomic traits for aquafeed production. Genetically modified crops can be engineered to produce specific proteins, fatty acids, and micronutrients that are beneficial for fish growth, health, and performance. Biotechnological approaches such as metabolic engineering, gene editing, and synthetic biology enable the design and optimization of plant-based ingredients tailored to meet the nutritional requirements of different aquaculture species, innovations in plant-based aquafeeds are driving significant advancements in sustainable aquaculture practices, feed formulation, and ingredient sourcing. By leveraging emerging technologies, processing methods, and alternative ingredients, aquafeed manufacturers can develop high-quality, eco-friendly feed formulations that support the growth, health, and productivity of farmed fish while reducing the industry’s reliance on finite marine resources. Continued research, collaboration, and investment in plant-based aquafeeds are essential for promoting environmental sustainability, food security, and economic prosperity in the global aquaculture sector [21-22].

Nutritional Requirements and Feed Performance

One of the key challenges in formulating plant-based aquafeeds is ensuring that they meet the specific nutritional requirements of target species. Different fish species have unique dietary preferences and metabolic capabilities, which must be considered when designing feed formulations. Additionally, factors such as growth performance, feed conversion ratio, fillet quality, and immune function are important indicators of feed efficacy and overall fish health. Through rigorous testing and nutritional profiling, researchers can assess the suitability of plant-based ingredients and optimize feed formulations to maximize performance and productivity in aquaculture systems [23].

Nutritional Requirements and Feed Performance:

1. Species-Specific Nutritional Needs: Different aquaculture species have unique nutritional requirements based on their physiological characteristics, life stages, and environmental conditions. Formulating aquafeeds that meet these specific requirements is essential for promoting growth, health, and performance in farmed fish. For example, carnivorous species such as salmon and trout require diets high in protein and essential amino acids, while omnivorous species like tilapia and carp have more flexible dietary preferences and can thrive on plant-based diets with lower protein levels [24].

2. Protein and Amino Acids: Protein is a critical component of aquafeeds, serving as the primary source of essential amino acids needed for protein synthesis, growth, and tissue repair in fish. Formulators must ensure that aquafeeds contain adequate levels of high-quality protein sources to meet the amino acid requirements of target species. Essential amino acids such as lysine, methionine, and threonine are particularly important for optimizing growth performance and feed efficiency in aquaculture production [25].

3. Lipids and Fatty Acids: Lipids are essential for providing energy, supporting metabolic functions, and maintaining cellular integrity in fish. Incorporating lipid sources rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is crucial for promoting optimal growth, immune function, and reproductive performance in farmed fish. Fish oil and algae oil are primary sources of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are essential for fish health and product quality [26].

4. Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamins and minerals play key roles in regulating metabolic processes, immune function, and overall health in aquaculture species. Essential vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin C are important for growth, vision, bone development, and antioxidant defense mechanisms in fish. Similarly, minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium are essential for skeletal integrity, osmoregulation, and enzyme function in farmed fish [27].

5. Feed Conversion Efficiency: Feed conversion efficiency (FCE) is a critical performance indicator in aquaculture, reflecting the ability of fish to convert feed into body mass. Improving FCE requires optimizing feed formulation, ingredient quality, and feeding practices to minimize nutrient wastage and maximize nutrient utilization by farmed fish. Factors such as feed particle size, feed presentation, feeding frequency, and feeding rate can influence FCE and overall feed efficiency in aquaculture production systems [28].

6. Growth Performance and Fillet Quality: Growth performance and fillet quality are important parameters for evaluating the efficacy and nutritional value of aquafeeds. Formulating feeds that support rapid growth, uniform size distribution, and desirable body composition in farmed fish is essential for maximizing production yields and profitability in aquaculture operations. Additionally, feed composition, feed management practices, and water quality conditions can impact fillet texture, flavor, color, and nutritional content, influencing consumer acceptance and market value of aquaculture products [29].

7. Immune Function and Disease Resistance: Optimal nutrition plays a critical role in enhancing immune function, disease resistance, and stress tolerance in farmed fish. Providing balanced diets rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and immunostimulants can strengthen the immune system and mitigate the risk of infectious diseases in aquaculture production. Probiotics, prebiotics, and immunostimulatory compounds derived from natural sources can also enhance gut health, microbial balance, and disease resilience in farmed fish, contributing to improved overall performance and productivity in aquaculture systems [30], meeting the nutritional requirements of farmed fish and optimizing feed performance are essential for achieving sustainable and profitable aquaculture production. By formulating feeds that align with species-specific nutritional needs, promote optimal growth and health, and enhance feed conversion efficiency, aquafeed manufacturers can support the long-term viability and competitiveness of the aquaculture industry while meeting consumer demand for high-quality and nutritious seafood products.

Future Directions

The integration of sustainable plant products in aquafeeds represents a promising avenue for enhancing the environmental sustainability and economic viability of aquaculture. Continued research and innovation in feed formulation, ingredient sourcing, and processing technologies are essential to overcome existing challenges and unlock the full potential of plant-based aquafeeds. Collaborative efforts involving academia, industry, and government agencies are needed to accelerate the adoption of sustainable practices and promote responsible aquaculture development. By embracing innovation and embracing sustainable solutions, the aquaculture industry can play a pivotal role in ensuring food security, environmental stewardship, and socioeconomic prosperity for future generations.

Future Directions in Enhancing the Integration of Sustainable Plant Products in Aquafeeds:

1. Nutritional Optimization: Future research efforts will focus on further optimizing the nutritional composition and digestibility of plant-based aquafeeds to meet the specific requirements of different aquaculture species. This includes identifying novel plant ingredients, refining processing techniques, and exploring innovative formulations to enhance nutrient utilization, growth performance, and feed efficiency in farmed fish.

2. Alternative Protein Sources: Continued exploration of alternative protein sources such as insect meal, single-cell proteins, and microbial-derived proteins will expand the range of sustainable options available for aquafeed formulation. Research will focus on evaluating the nutritional quality, safety, and feasibility of incorporating these novel ingredients into aquafeeds to reduce reliance on traditional protein sources and support the growth of the aquaculture industry.

3. Genetic Improvement: Advances in genetic improvement and breeding programs will play a crucial role in developing aquaculture species with enhanced tolerance to plant-based diets and improved nutrient utilization efficiency. Selective breeding for traits such as feed conversion efficiency, growth rate, and disease resistance will help identify genotypes that perform optimally on plant-based feeds, facilitating the transition towards more sustainable aquafeed formulations.

4. Precision Nutrition: The emergence of precision nutrition technologies will enable personalized feeding strategies tailored to the specific nutritional requirements and metabolic profiles of individual fish. Integrating data analytics, biomarker analysis, and real-time monitoring systems will allow aquaculture producers to optimize feed formulations, feeding regimes, and environmental conditions to maximize feed efficiency, minimize nutrient wastage, and improve overall fish health and performance.

5. Circular Economy: The adoption of circular economy principles will drive innovation in aquafeed production by valorizing food waste, agricultural by-products, and co-products from other industries as feed ingredients. By harnessing the potential of bioconversion, fermentation, and biorefinery processes, aquafeed manufacturers can create value-added products while reducing environmental impact and promoting resource efficiency throughout the aquaculture value chain.

6. Sustainable Sourcing: Increasing emphasis will be placed on sourcing sustainable plant products from certified and responsible suppliers to ensure traceability, transparency, and ethical sourcing practices. Collaborative initiatives between aquafeed manufacturers, ingredient suppliers, and certification bodies will promote the adoption of sustainability standards and best practices, driving positive social, environmental, and economic outcomes in the global aquafeed industry.

7. Consumer Awareness and Acceptance: Educating consumers about the environmental benefits and nutritional advantages of plant-based aquafeeds will be essential for fostering consumer acceptance and market demand for sustainably produced seafood products. Marketing campaigns, eco-labeling schemes, and transparent supply chains will help build consumer trust and confidence in aquaculture practices that prioritize environmental stewardship, animal welfare, and food safety, the integration of sustainable plant products in aquafeeds represents a promising pathway towards enhancing the environmental sustainability, economic viability, and nutritional quality of aquaculture production. By embracing innovation, collaboration, and responsible stewardship, the aquafeed industry can drive positive change towards a more sustainable and resilient future for aquaculture, supporting global food security, environmental conservation, and socioeconomic development.


The integration of sustainable plant products into aquafeeds represents a critical strategy for addressing the environmental, economic, and nutritional challenges facing the aquaculture industry. This comprehensive review has highlighted the opportunities, innovations, and future directions in enhancing the integration of plant-based ingredients in aquafeed formulations.

By diversifying ingredient sources, optimizing processing techniques, and leveraging technological advancements, aquafeed manufacturers can develop high-quality, eco-friendly feed formulations that meet the nutritional requirements of farmed fish while reducing reliance on finite marine resources. From alternative protein sources to precision nutrition technologies, a wide range of approaches is being explored to enhance the sustainability, performance, and profitability of aquafeed production.

The transition towards plant-based aquafeeds requires collaborative efforts and collective action across the aquaculture value chain, including researchers, producers, policymakers, and consumers. By embracing innovation, adopting best practices, and promoting responsible aquaculture development, the industry can contribute to food security, environmental stewardship, and socioeconomic prosperity on a global scale, the integration of sustainable plant products in aquafeeds offers a promising pathway towards a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable future for aquaculture. Through continued research, investment, and commitment to sustainability, the aquafeed industry can drive positive change and shape a more sustainable food system for generations to come.


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