Sesame is a very important and healthy oil crop. Seed rate (Plant density) is a prerequisite for obtaining higher yield. Decision on the optimum seed rate for sole cropping of sesame using widely cultivated variety in specific agroecology is essential. For two consecutive rainy seasons, a field experiment using RCBD was carried out in the Humera and Dansha areas of Tigray, Ethiopia, with nine broadcasting seed rate treatments ranging from 1 kg ha-1 to 9 kg ha-1. Grain yield, plant height, number of pods per plant, length of capsule bearing zone, number of branches per plant, days of 50% flowering, days of 90% maturity, and agronomic data were collected to establish the ideal seed rate. Analysis of variance showed, that 3 Kg ha-1 is the optimism seed rate producing the highest yield (700.6 kg ha-1).