The soybean crop as one of the valuable economically the most important oil and pulse crop Ethiopia. Having this importance, the grain yield of the crop is limited and low because of improved varity and promotion of highyielder varieties of soybeans. Evaluating the recently released varieties for their good yield potential and recommending them to the study area is the major important for increasing the yield production and productivity of soybeans crop in Ari Zone, Debube Ari District . The trial was done in Ari Zone at Jinka Agricultural Research Center research station for two consecutive years from 2022 to 2023. The experiment was inaiated for the objective of identify high yielder soybean varieties and recommend for the target area .Twelve (12) recently released varieties were evaluated using appropriate application of arandomized complete block design (RCBD) on (3) three replications. The major important research data were collected from the four centeral rows on: – crop plant height, pod number per plant, number of seed number per pod, yield, weight of and hundred seed and analyzed using the SAS software program. The research experiment results show that, amoung the tested varieties , the hight yield were obtained for varieties Gazelle (2963.8kg ha),Gishama (2853.6 kg/ha), and Pawe-2 (2652.9 kg/ ha) (Table-4). While Hawassa-95 (1331.4 kg/ha) had a minimum grain yield (Table -4). Therefore from the research result, it was concluded that, Gazeale, Gishama, and Pawe-2 varieties were well performed and adapted varieties and could be recommended for the growers in the area of Ari Zone and other similar agroecologies.