Worldwide demand for Flowers is rising with time. Today, floriculture is the most important agricultural commodity traded commercially. While the formation of remarkable flower varieties has been greatly aided by conventional breeding procedures like hybridization and mutation breeding, there is still potential for substantial advancement in 􀏔lower productivity as well as quality. Producers and consumers are seeking novel qualities that are of significance through modern breeding techniques. Through genetic modification, traits like fragrance, distinct blossom colour, altered 􀏔lower structure and shape, vase life, scent, and capacity to withstand both biotic and abiotic stresses have been developed. The CRISPR- (Cas) protein system, which consists of short palindromic repetitions that are grouped and are regularly spaced, has developed into a powerful genome-editing instrument to precisely alter genetic encodings at designated sites. It serves as an excellent way of enhancing floriculture crops genetically. CRISPR-Cas9 is crucial for agricultural crops because it may improve blooming traits including color modification, prolong flower shelf life, encourage the emergence and maturation of flowers, and use techniques for genome editing to change desirable foliage’s colour. Among many other advantageous traits, Cas9/CRISPR genome editing is helpful in creating new varieties with improved fragrance and essential oils (Sirohi et al. 2022). A CRISPR/Cas tool that can separate from the Cas9/gRNA construct to prevent comparable changes by CRISPR/Cas generates stable gene mutations. CRISPR/Cas gene is a rapid and precise genetically engineered crop technology that produces crops resistant to abiotic and biotic stresses, viruses, fungus and bacteria in a fraction of the time compared to crops generated using conventional methods, which take ten to fifteen years to achieve resistance. Thus, CRISPR/Cas is a helpful tool for producing agricultural products in a sustainable manner. This technology has been used to successfully modify plant characteristics. This has been used to successfully modify plant characteristics.