Christella parasitica (l.) Lev.: a potent pharmacological and pesticidal pteridophyte

Swarna Kumar Dash1 , Bishnupriya Hansdah1* , Jyoti Ranjan Rout2* , Bhagyajyoti Baral3 , Santi Lata Sahoo4

1Department of Botany, Maharaja Sriram Chandra Bhanja Deo University, Sri Ram Chandra Vihar, Takatpur, Baripada-757003, Odisha, India

2School of Biological Sciences, AIPH University, Bhubaneswar-752101, Odisha, India

3&4P.G. Department of Botany, Udayanath Autonomous College of Science & Technology, Adaspur, Cuttack-754011, Odisha, India

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Pteridophytes are the foremost vascular cryptogam on earth, and hold a unique position in plant evolution. Ferns are one of the prominent representatives of pteridophytes. This group of vascular cryptogams are distributed into 35 families with 568 genera having 13,000 species. The family Thelypteridaceae encompasses around 37 genera and has a diversity comprising 1190 species. Among these Christella parasitica (L.) Lev. (Thelypteridaceae) is one of the fern, which is an invasive vascular cryptogam with potent secondary metabolites, distinct anatomical features, pharmacological attributes along with significant pesticidal characters and anti-microbial properties. Its various applied aspects will be helpful for the researchers to focus on the thrust areas yet to be explored. Comprehensive taxonomic details of the plant have been coming out of various flora books, journals & suggestions from eminent scientists. The plant is highly active against autoimmune & gynecological disorders, food poisoning and sluggishness. However it also contributes for anti-microbial & bio-pesticidal activities. Thus, Christella parasitica holds immense potential as both a pharmacological agent and a natural pesticide. Its dual functionality highlights the importance of deeper investigation into its bioactive compounds, which may lead to innovative developments in both medicinal therapies and sustainable agricultural practices.


anti-microbial activity, Christella parasitica (L.) Lev., Thelypteridaceae

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Pteridophytes (the fern & their allies) have an extensive geologic history as pioneer plants that have occupied various parts of this globe since millions of years. This group comprises a huge cluster of seedless vascular plants & occupies a significant place in primary health care because of their cost-effectiveness. There are four particular types of habitats that ferns are found in; moist, shady forests; cervices in rock faces, especially when sheltered from the full sun; acid wetlands with bogs and swamps; and with epiphytic habit. Ferns are widespread in their distribution, with the greatest richness in the tropics, and least in arctic areas. The vast diversity was witnessed in tropical rainforests. New Zealand glorifies it by symbolizing Fern as a national emblem, with 230 species distributed throughout the country. They can be found in all ground habitats such as ravines, forest floors, slopes, grasslands, rocks and crevices, open walls and stone boulders. About 90% of the world’s pteridophytes habituated in India which is 2.5% landmass of the world.  Christella parasitica (L.) Lev. belongs to the family Thelypteridaceae. Thelypteridaceae is a monophyletic cosmopolitan family with an estimated 1190 species and 37 genera [1,2,3]. According to the GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility-Copenhagen, Denmark) report, 2022 native place of Christella parasitica (L.) Lev. is in Queensland, Australia. So far as the secondary center of origin is concerned the plant is widely distributed throughout the world specifically in Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, India, China & some parts of Africa. As per the human observational data, this plant is highly available during the month of April (198,968,400), May (271,510,798), June (204,922,225) & July (196,193,852). In the global scenario waste water drainage systems create  damp environments conducive to the growth of ferns. Reproduction is generally by means of  spore in a coveted position of sporophylls. The characteristics of preridophytes that make them pioneers for their adaptability and wide distribution due to their light spore being carried by the wind so that they can colonize large numbers of degraded areas [4]. A very good example of this fern habituation was obsessed in Hawaii & Papua New Guinea.  As per the data of GBIF, this fern was introduced into these two islands through natural process that is by air from the Queensland, Australia.  In Odisha, India 4 abundant species of the genus Christella have been found such as Christella dentata, Christella parasitica, Christella semisagittata, and Christella subpubescens. The Christella dentata is widely found in Similipal, Batipathar, Mahadevjharan, Gandhamardan, Nrusinghanath, Sambalpur (Odisha) & also in tropics & subtropics of the old world, throughout India. Christella parasitica (L.) Lev. is profound in the hill forests of Odisha, particularly in the Berbera, Similipal, and Mahendragiri. It also occupies a diverse habitat throughout India, tropical Asia, Japan, Malaysia, the Pacific Islands & Australia. Christella semisagittata is a dominant species of Bengal, Assam, Myanmar, and Bangladesh but rarely found in the Koraput district of Odisha. Christella subpubescens is worldwide available, in Mahadevjharan, bank of river Brahmani, Samabalpur, Bankura, North-East India, South-West China, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, North Queensland, New Hebrides, Fiji &Samoa. Christella parasitica (L.)  Lev.  act as a producer of the food chain, regulate water management, cover soil, and prevent erosion [5].


Christella parasitica (L.) Lev. (Thelypteridaceae); was used to treat two common, chronic & autoimmune disorders, gouts & rheumatoid arthritis [6]. The ecosystem services of pteridophytes in the Southern Western Ghats of Tamilnadu showed that Christella parasitica (L.) Lev. has a potent economic value with its ornamentation. The leaf decoction is also used to clean the hair and it is also one of the best ingredients of the herbal formulation against gynaecological disorders [7]. The leaves of the fern along with the seeds of Coriandrum sativum L. crushed with salt & water to prepare a herbal drink with a single dose for 7days.

This fern is located abundantly in terrestrial habitat along with partly shaded stream banks or road side. Due to the iconic & beautiful appearance of the fern it attracts the herbivores. These predators generally prefer soft, herbaceous fern species & generally the maximum herbivory has also been recorded in the high-altitude region i.e. 600-1000m. with evergreen forest.

North-East India, the East Khasi Hill district of Meghalaya, traditionally utilizes the leaf & rhizome decoction of Christella parasitica (L.) Lev. for food poisoning in cattle by mixing 200ml. of the extract with turmeric & fodder [8].

Christella parasitica (L.) Lev. is also used for the treatment of sluggishness by the Ahoms, Kalitas, Tiwa, Boro, Misings, Kacharis, Hajong and Deoris tribes of Assam [9].


Epidermals gland extracts of this fern Christella parasitica (L.) Lev. have anti-microbial properties [10].  The abaxial side of the compound leaves reveals that the costa, costules & veins were the sights of glands. However, the glands were denser in croziers (coiled young leaves). HPLC analysis revealed the phytochemicals comprising metabolites like terpenes, phenolic, nitrogen-containing secondary metabolites consisting of alkaloids, glucosinolates & cyanogenic glycosides. Which are raw materials for many commercial drugs. Acetone extracts of the glands were active against Staphylococcus albus,

Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The activity of the extracts was compared with the broad-spectrum antibiotic, amikacin. It was also quite significant that the plant extract was more potent in comparison to the antibiotic.


An outbreak of Achaea janata (400-650 larva /plant) was reported during April-May 1996 in the forest division of Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India in Tamarind plantations.  Achaea janata caterpillars destroy voraciously the leaflets along with buds & flower resulting in a profound loss in fruit setting [14]. Ferns have ecdysone mimics (Phyto ecdysone) in higher quantities [15].  Ecdysteroid-induced necrotic changes both in Corpora allata (CA) and neuro-secretory cells (NS) in Achaea Janata [16,17].These ecdysteroids represent a large family of bioactive compound, comprising more than hundred potential metabolites. Research work of Christella parasitica (L.) Lev.was focused on the field evaluation of insecticidal properties on Helicoverpa armigera and Spodoptera litura the causal pathogen of groundnut [18]. The ethanolic extracts of fern were partitioned with hexane and chloroform, the former fraction was separated with waxy impurities. The Chloroform fraction was concentrated, air-dried and sprayed on their respective Plots-Plot A (Christella parasitica (L.) Lev.), Plot B (Pteridium aquilinum), Plot C (Hemionitis arifolia) and Plot D (ethanol as control).The experimental observations were groundnut production was enhanced in the experimental plots than control. The highest production was recorded by Pteridium aquilinum (1400 kg/ha) followed by Hemionitis arifolia (1370 kg /ha) and Christella parasitica (L.) Lev. (1250 kg/ha), and in the control plot it was recorded as 1120 kg/ha. Hence these bio-pesticides are eco-friendly and can be recommended for field trials. The Diamond Back Moth (DBM) i.e. Plutella xylostella L.  which is hazardous to cabbage only be controlled by synthetic chemical pesticides which are harmful to humans. The biopesticides can be easily replace the chemical pesticides to control the activity of the pest in cabbage. Christella parasitica (L.) Lev. can be used as a broad-spectrum insecticide to control the deadly pests on different veggies. Besides that mosquitos are one of the main vectors carrying disease-causing parasites of Malaria, Chicken guinea, yellow fever & dengue [19]. There are so many synthetic mosquito repellent products available in the markets that creates a havoc on the house keeping systems of humans. The aqueous extract of Christella parasitica (L.) Lev. with mosquito larvae signifies 83.3% mortality rate showing a promising result as an alternative to synthetic mosquito repellents [20].


With an attention for higher group of plants in forest coverage it is very much essential to explore the potential of lower group of plants. The recent scenario of the world shows various deficiencies in different sectors. If the health sector is taken into consideration, there are many incurable diseases. The reason behind these diseases may be the invisible infection or chemically generated hybrid fruits and vegetables. But in recent days due to the huge uncontrollable population the harshness and productivity of the vegetables and other plant based raw materials are artificially enhanced under compulsion. By hook or crook productivity leads to rampant use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other synthetic growth regulators. To avoid these xenobiotics, bio- fertilizers and bio-pesticides are very much essential. The use of various lower groups of plants on cultivated land can be replaced for making the soil  healthy . Azolla & rhizospherehas been already used as a bio-fertilizer in rice fields. Likewise, there are also some bio-insecticides, which can be used in croplands. Hence forth attempts must be taken to make this vascular pteridophyte Christella parasitica (L.) Lev.  a promising bio-fertilizer in recent days and as well as in future also. The principal secondary metabolite reported from this plant is an ecdysteroid derivative which is phytoecdysone, the main functional compound in preventing various pests.


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